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Nanci Limited Time Gift Set (Baby Nanci's)
  • Nanci Limited Time Gift Set (Baby Nanci's)

    First deposit for the limited time Nanci Baby Set - gift set edition with a red Nanci

    Item cost: $78.50cad/$57.90usd

    Estimate of group shipping portion: $31.60cad


    Once items get here, an invoice will be sent for the rest of the payment + shipping to your address~




    Expected arrival time to my address: to be determined, next shipment is full but these Nanci won't make it. Let me know if you'd like to be updated on the big shipment's tracking/progress

    Shipping is tracked

    Often boxes/packaging gets squished and damaged during shipping, they just pass through too many hands before they get to me to ensure condition. If the box matters to you, let me know. If I have the same series and kept the box, I can exchange mine with yours ^^

    I am to be released from responsibility for the inside quality & condition of any unopened products (ex. blind bags) but I can also take requests to open & check products before individual shipping to guarantee condition for the both of us~

      • if you cancel the order, I may not be able to refund you the deposit, (exception for if you're able to find someone else to purchase your item)
      • if a problem occurs with the product and it is unable to be delivered to you, I will refund the deposit
      • I cannot do any refunds for damaged packaging of the blind box/product, as the items pass through many different hands in order to get here, however, if your shipping box got damaged and the insides are damaged too, please send me photos to claim insurance
    Out of Stock